Elections Dashboard FAQs
How are states determined?
As this is a brand new tool, we are beginning with major swing states, early primary states, and states that have seen significant election-related developments in recent election cycles.
Are the states broken down further?
We are breaking down information by state at this time. While we are tracking the counties, towns, and cities where developments arise, we are analyzing this information with a focus on the impact on statewide elections.
How do I find the ratings?
The ratings can be found on the side scroll with each description – and they are documented from Level 0 to Level 3 based on level of seriousness.
Do the colors mean anything on the map?
Each individual level has its own shade of blue. Developments that are a three (3) are the darkest shade of blue; developments that are at the level zero (0) are the lightest shade of blue. Our team determines an overall number rating for each state. The color of each state indicates the level of concern.
The overall number rating for each state determined by the team does not reflect a simple average of the number rankings for the individual developments that are included for each state. This dashboard incorporates the impact of news stories and reporting on a regular basis, so a simple average not accounting for trends or other factors would not best reflect the actual situation for each state. Our staff takes such an average into consideration as it determines the number, but uses discretion based on other contextual factors.
Our current ratings – all at Level 1 – demonstrate a range of developments that we must monitor throughout the 2024 election cycle, as well as a baseline level of confidence in our election system’s ability to function. We expect that as the election season takes shape, different developments in different states will likely lead to an increase in some states’ ratings and decreases in others. We are actively soliciting feedback from internal and external audiences, and these ratings are subject to change with further evaluation.
How do I report something to this website?
If you want to report something, you can access the contact page here.
Why isn’t my state listed?
At this time, The National Task Force on Election Crises is prioritizing tracking developments that could have an outsized impact on a free, fair, and safe 2024 presidential election. If you have feedback on our state selection, please use the contact page here.
How do I report a bug?
You can report a bug on our contact page here.
What qualifies as a “development”?
“Developments” are incidents that could become or lay the foundation for actual crises that threaten the integrity of an election. We have broken down these developments into the following categories:
How can I stay in the loop? (may come later if we do a newsletter or something)
We will be updating this website throughout the year and invite you to check back for updates. Trends and insights from this information will be shared with the email list for the National Task Force on Election Crises, along with other updates related to the 2024 election. You can sign up for these emails here.
How did the TF come up with the rankings?
These rankings provide a simple way to differentiate between levels of concern for a given news item, ranging from, “A severe concern for the integrity of democratic elections that requires an immediate and comprehensive response” at the highest level, to, “Despite widespread concern, this development is not a concern or falls within the range of free and fair election,” at the lowest. Researchers and the team that staffs the National Task Force on Election Crises have created a transparent way of defining the development types and development levels that you can read here.
Where do you get your information?
Our team uses a crew of researchers to find potential stories to address through the Dashboard. Additionally, we receive input and guidance from National Task Force on Election Crises members. We also have a contact page where anyone can submit an item for us to consider including in this Dashboard.
Why do some states appear to have more developments than others?
The number of items covered in each state are dependent upon the number of news items that arise related to potential election-related developments. The total number of items in each state is not necessarily indicative of the actual level of concern in that state, as many of the items that the Dashboard covers will include developments that are at the one (1) or zero (0) level.
What states are next?
Version One of the Dashboard includes the following states:
The final version of the dashboard will include the following states:
Do you include other sources that are not media?
While we will primarily utilize media as the source of our information, we will also accept submissions that have not been covered in the media if we can independently verify the information that is shared. If you are interested in submitting a potential election crisis development, you can visit our contact page.